Automotive Manufacturing

Start your optimal automation journey

Digitized automotive factories deliver accelerated growth and transformative operational excellence.


At Belden, we are familiar with the challenges in automotive assembly processes. We have the solutions to orchestrate the connections between the network backbone, fixed assets, and mobile assets allowing for optimal growth and profitable positioning.


Our solutions include the mapping and execution of an efficient automation workflow that capitalizes on data-driven insights to make better decisions for increasing asset utilization, identifying production efficiencies, and improving product quality and service levels.


Forging these connections between each part of a facility can help to improve operational performance via: 








Our holistic approach to enabling growth and adaptability
A best-in-class automotive manufacturing network consists of three elements that help you improve operational efficiency.

Ready to start a project?

Industrial networking, infrastructure & cybersecurity products designed to work together for maximum performance, uptime and security.


Upgrading to EV Production?

Will this be the year you enhance your industrial networks to meet future market demands? Can you protect your investments, and ensure your new lines run as expected as you complete today’s EV-driven auto plant transformations? How about guarantee the ability to add capacity and value as you secure your position in tomorrow’s automotive market?


Yes… If you optimize your network.


With demand for electric vehicles (EVs) quickly supplanting demand for traditional ones, most automotive manufacturers have embarked on line transformations unparalleled since the introduction of the Modicon 084 PLC in the 1960s.


This massive effort presents the perfect opportunity to complete your migration to Industry 4.0.


And, you can’t reach Industry 4.0 without a deep, pervasive, robust network solution.


In this eBook, learn about Belden's solution to ensure fast, reliable communications across all operations in your automotive manufacturing plant.